Having just sat here and boasted about my (suspicious, but I swear I didn't make it up) 6 pound weight loss in just over ehh, two weeksish with no true focus and just living by three words, "make good choices", I find myself already plotting a sabotage. I want to eat bad things...I want to make a cake and leave the other half of it for the hubbs to fight me over. A battle to the death, 'twould be. I'm already salivating over upcoming holiday cooking goodies for the weekend.
Whyyyyyy do I do this to myself? I really don't know. I seem to always do it though. Make a little progress, a fraction of "notable" in my overall goal, and I start thinking that I've earned some kind of right to slack and splurge and go back to my old habits. My thought process literally sounds like this "well, I've lost __lbs, no biggie to gain a couple back for ________. It's (insert special occasion here) for crying out loud!". Sigh. How about
The plan? Well, 1) I'm totally going to use my leftover
doctor-prescribed-speed diet pills over the weekend as a crutch. Noooo, I don't really take them with any sense of routine, but they definitely give me the energy boost I want and the appetite suppression I need all in one glorious little easy to swallow pill. Just sayin. B) How's about I increase the proportion of greenage on any plate I serve up over the intoxicating (and thus very dangerous) hamburgers/hotdogs that are inevitably in the line up? And III) I don't really have a third item...well, okay, increase water intake. I think that 'll just about do it.
Next week, we're back home again...hopefully for a good long while. I lust to be home for the next three full weekends or so just to take a break from all the travel. Gives me a chance to plan out some yummy and healthy meals on a more consistent basis, right?
Anyway, gawd this blog is so boring...how's about I try to punch it up a little bit in the future, eh? Clearly I should not quit my day job in hopes of becoming some phe
blogmenon. Honestlyyyy....
Food should never be any kind of reward - your hard work is amazing but it is undeserving of cake and sweets and stuff that is blah for you. Go for another round of aqua Zumba....berries...lots and lots of berries with a little light or fat free cool whip should take your sweet craving away and it's pretty much next to nothing in calories - works every time for me.