Friday, February 10, 2012

Little Victories

4 victories, to be exact.
1. 1 pound
2. 1 pound
3. 1 pound
4. 1 pound

That's right, my friends, I'm on cloud 9 right now.  One week in to my new resolve to give Weight Watchers a go, and sticking to it fairly faithfully, I lost 4 wretched, filthy, disgusting pounds.  And I do not intend to find them anywhere...including on you.

So, how did it really go?  Honestly, very well.  Simple changes like, only going out to lunch 1 time this week (as opposed to 5).  Not only did that help me stay in points-budget, but in monies-budget too!

Three key changes were made this week...let's recap:
1. I've walked 1.2 miles at least once each day this work-week.  There were a couple of days that I got out twice and did my thaaaaang.  (This = 2 activity points per walk, so bonus food for me if I want it, or just feel-good-angel-points if I don't swap them for bites.)

2. Like I mentioned, lunch.  Brown bag, Brown bag, Brown bag!!  I did notice that the one day this week that I did go out, I went over points for the whole day there.  So, it's not that I have to or even want to stop joining my favorite peeps for lunchie, but just that I have to budget better for it.  If I go out for pizza during the day, then I may just opt to skip out on my sweet-treat that evening.  Tit for tat, if you will.

3. Waaaaaaaaater.  I haven't peed this much in years, but I'll admit, I actually started to feel flatter about halfway through the week, and I'll chalk that up to my increased water intake.  I would have my 1/2-1 cup of coffee in the morning, and then was pretty faithful to water through out the remainder of each day.  I tried some unsweet tea once and that did not go over well.  Blegh.  But I decided wholeheartedly that I would rather eat my points than drink them, so that went rather well for me.


Obviously, this kind of loss will not happen every week, but I am going to try to work to improve one thing every week.  Next week:  I've adjusted my "tools" to swap out activity points before "bonus points", so if I don't use my activity points in a day, then I'll lose them.  My outlook there is to keep myself more accountable on a day-to-day level rather than know I have a big bucket of "cheaters" to dip out of throughout the whole week.

My plan may be flawed, but I'm going to do what I can to maximize on my first 2-3 weeks of loss potential because it will obviously start to taper and level off after the initial rush of changes I'm making to my overall way of eating.

Having said that, wish me luck!

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